geopic's blog

As a Certified Photographic Consultant I'll share photography tips and photoshoot experiences. I'll discuss other interests (such as literature, music, and various other topics) over time.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

I'm a Certified Photographic Consultant, have written a couple books, and overall enjoy life.

Friday, April 29, 2005

Geopic goes to "Jail"

Hi all,
I've been honored with the opportunity to go to jail. LOL. Yup, the
Musclar Distrophy Association has decided that someone somewhere will
donate money either to keep me in jail or bail me out of jail. So I'll
be "arrested" on May 11. In the mean time, they have asked me to get
donations toward my freedom (and of course for a good cause). If you
can donate, even a little bit is appreciated. Go to:
To see my lockup page and donate if you can.

Don't let the bail amount on the page scare you. That is how much they hope
I can get in total donations, not how much they want individuals to donate.

Hey, think about this, if you have learned something from my ramblings, this is a nice way to return a favor.



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