geopic's blog

As a Certified Photographic Consultant I'll share photography tips and photoshoot experiences. I'll discuss other interests (such as literature, music, and various other topics) over time.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

I'm a Certified Photographic Consultant, have written a couple books, and overall enjoy life.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Photography Adventure: Saints, Heroes, and Ghosts

What could be better than a photoshoot of a band in a haunted movie theater. The theater provided a plethora of compositions for both individual and group shots.

Jon Lamborn, one of the best photographers in the St. Louis area, was not only in the band, he was shooting the band with his Nikon and wireless remote. This guy has more talent, and more talents, than just about anyone I know. He's a musician, photographer, and does fabulous work with photoshop.

Other band members include Gabe (drummer), Micah who plays a mean piano, and Derek, the sound man. The talent that eminates from these artists is amazing. My only regret is that I don't have a sound file for you to listen to.



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