geopic's blog

As a Certified Photographic Consultant I'll share photography tips and photoshoot experiences. I'll discuss other interests (such as literature, music, and various other topics) over time.

Location: St. Louis, Missouri, United States

I'm a Certified Photographic Consultant, have written a couple books, and overall enjoy life.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Google conversion

Blogger in their infinite wisdom decided to upgrade us lowly blogger bloggers to google blog services. Not wanting to be left behind I clicked on the convert featuer. Everything seemed to work fine until I attempted to upload an image. I used to use Hello to upload images, but it won't work now, and when I try to use the image button in blogger it doesn't work either. And of course they have made it impossible to interact with a real live help person. Until I can figure this out I'm off working on my new photography book. But you can email me if you have questions or would like to hire a photographer for an event. My email address is: (less the extra @ sign).


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